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Mayflower Chronicles: Tale of Two Cultures by Kathryn Haueisen


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About the Author:

Kathryn (Kathy) Haueisen combines her degree in journalism from Bowling Green State University with her many years experiences as a pastor to write about good people doing great things. Her books, in both non-fiction and fiction, focus on people adjusting to the transitions of life.

Mayflower Chronicles: The Tale of Two Cultures, her newest book, is a historical fiction inspired by her family’s connection to the Mayflower story. It takes readers through events in Europe and New England in the years leading up the 1620 Mayflower voyage and the first encounters between the English and Pokanoket. A portion of the book sales supports the educational efforts of the Pokanoket Tribal Council, Pilgrim Hall, and Plimoth*Patuxet Village.

Her first book, Married and Mobile, was inspired by making four moves in five years. The next two books evolved from her experience with disaster response following Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Ike. Asunder was her first fiction. It focuses on the challenges of building a new life as a single-again adult after they demise of a long term marriage.

Most of her writing consists of articles in national, regional, and local publications. She’s written interviews, general interest, and articles about faith and family life.

She writes from Houston, Texas where she lives with her husband and spoiled rescue poodle. When not writing she’s most likely traveling, reading, gardening, or spending time with family. Enjoy her blogs or learn more about her at https://www.HowWiseThen.co

About the Book 

For thousands of years two distinct cultures evolved unaware of one another’s existence. Separated by what one culture called The Great Sea and known to the other as the Atlantic Ocean, the course of each culture’s future changed irreversibly four hundred years ago. In 1620 the Mayflower delivered 102 refugees and fortune seekers from England to Cape Cod, where these two cultures first encountered one another. The English sought religious freedom and fresh financial opportunities. The Natives were recovering from the Great Dying of the past several years that left over two-thirds of their people in graves. How would they react to one another? How might their experience shape modern cross-cultural encounters?