1124 13th Street Aurora, NE 68818 susansbooks.ne@gmail.com 308-624-0386

Resolved ~ by Robin Buckallew (Hastings, NE)


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Lorelei has always been a good wife. She does what she is supposed to do, and gives Ogden little reason to complain. But when Ogden comes home from his latest dig, something has changed. He is acting strangely, and all the other men on his team are behaving just as odd. The women are puzzled and worried; are their men going crazy?

When Lorelei finds the old document, the one she isn’t supposed to read, she realizes that things have not always been as she has been told. When Ogden lies to his colleagues about what he found at the dig, she decides to investigate further. What she discovers threatens to destroy their lives as they know them. Will it destroy civilization as well?