1124 13th Street Aurora, NE 68818 susansbooks.ne@gmail.com 402-694-2244

Squirrels in the House ~ Dr. Deb Moberly (Illustrated by Michelle Nguyen)


1 in stock


From the author, Dr. Deb Moberly:

“Squirrels in the House is a true story of what happened to a friend and her family.  I wrote the text and Michelle drew pictures and then colored them on the computer.  

I hope you will laugh and learn about Red Fox and Flying Squirrels, Vizsla Dogs, and Tabby Cats.  You may wonder if the squirrels you see in the yard have or wanted to live in a house.  Do the cats and dogs you meet form friendships like Henry and Carl?  And do they solve mysteries and problems?

You will find information about each kind of animal in the back of the book.

My granddaughters, Adi and Eloisa, read the book and had lots of suggestions for text and illustrations.  They were my editors.

I hope you enjoy reading and sharing this book with your family and friends.”
