1124 13th Street Aurora, NE 68818 susansbooks.ne@gmail.com 402-694-2244

Extra Innings (Baseball Haiku) ~ by Mike Stinson (Omaha, NE)


2 in stock


Mike Stinson has engaged in various genres of writing including an ongoing poetry feature for a small town newspaper and a personal interest column called "Walking the Dog."  He has had poems published in a variety of journals and anthologies.  This is his first book of poetry.  Mike lives in Omaha, Nebraska.

As a baseball fan I must say this is a great collection of haiku.  From T-ball to the pros, from the bleachers to the field, this book has everything a fan could want including baseball cards, hot dogs and beer.   
   ~ Michael Ketchek, Editor of Frogpond

I have followed baseball for my whole life, always expecting the game to finish in nine innings.  Here, however, I welcome the "extra innings."  Mike Stinson needs a little more space for. us to collect our baseball cards and play the game at virtually every level: t-ball, Little League, pasture ball, college baseball, and beyond.  There is a substantial history of linking baseball with haiku, adn Mike adds to that history with a robust home run.  
  ~ Edward J. Rielly, professor Emeritus, Saint Joseph's College (Maine)



