1124 13th Street Aurora, NE 68818 susansbooks.ne@gmail.com 402-694-2244

Dr. Hill’s Poet ~ by Jeffrey Ross (Aurora, NE native)


3 in stock


A sixty-three-year-old literature professor and his forty-one-year-old student fall in love despite criticism (and moral judgement) from his university, the community, and their circle of friends. Sam and Cassie’s commitment to each other, and their love of poetry, sustains the relationship and brings them new awareness about the connections between art and life.

Brought together by a powerful destiny, their romance is also nurtured by the world of nature and honest and direct communication.

Dr. Hill’s Poet is richly descriptive of the Platte River Valley in central Nebraska. This pleasant and fast-moving story contains textual elements common to traditional fiction, poetry, and the screen play genre.
